Jennifer is a Rockstar!

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There's this pretty amazing tour going on right now around the blogosphere called the Authors are Rockstars tour. (They really are!)

Anyways, today is Jennifer's turn and she's being featured over at the fabulous blog, Confessions of a Bookaholic, which is run by Jessica.

Jennifer answers some pretty cool questions and I learned quite a few new tidbits about her:
Imagine, you can pick 1 of your characters to hang out with for a day; who would it be and what would you spend the day doing?

I think I’d pick out Katy from the Lux Series, because we could talk about books all day.

She also dishes on Pepe a little (Yay!):
He’s really funny—has a great sense of humor
He doesn’t drink diet sodas...
And if that wasn't enough, Jessica is also hosting an ebook giveaway of any of her Jen's books from the Lux series. Nice!

Be sure to visit Jessica's blog to read the entire interview & enter for your chance to win!